Sustainability -what is it?

What is sustainability, and how is it measured?
All in all, I think the word “sustainability“ is quite abstract (even to me, and I am quite familiar with abstract concepts). So let`s try to clarify the term so we can use it and agree on it (at least more or less).
In ecology, it`s the property of biological systems to remain diverse and productive indefinitely (according to Wiki). But sustainablility is not only about ecologic (environmental) aspects, it includes also social and economic goals. This has led to the understanding of sustainability as a “triple bottom line“ concept, the three bottom lines also called “People, Planet, Profit“. A varitey of measures is needed to reach those goals, and the focus can be very different. If managers talk about the sustainability of a company they often mean sustainable economic growth or “ongoing economic growth“ (it seems naive to me that endless economic growth should be possible, or that it should even be a necessary prerequisite for a working world economy). The word “sustainability“ has many meanings and includes many things, so far so that some even say it`s a “gum word“.
However, it is agreed upon that the three components environment, society and economy should all be considered in some balance to each other. This seems sensible, so let`s keep it in mind. An interesting and more comprehensible alternative designation for “sustainablility“ might be “compatibility with the future“. Something is sustainable, if it “doesn`t diminish the chances of our grandchildren“.

Sustainability will enable Planet Blue to continue supporting human life. This is what we want, isn`t it? Or, more than that, we need it.